Meet the Local Governing Board: Mary Elliot
Welcome from the Chair of Governors
On behalf of all Governors, I welcome you to the Mary Elliot Academy Website. We hope that you find the information presented relevant to your needs, clear and comprehensive.
Mary Elliot Academy joined Thrive Education Partnership Trust recently and a big reason for integration is the shared Vision and Values, which we fully endorse, are detailed here. The Mary Elliot Academy Local Governing Board (LGB) is the guardian of the school vision. We are working with the academy senior leadership team (SLT) to ensure that everything they do supports these values.
It is also our role to engage with the SLT to understand what is happening in the school in terms of safeguarding, pupil performance, curriculum development and wellbeing, the quality of teaching and learning and effective staff management. We will hold the school to account on behalf of the parents and the trust.
An integral part of our agenda is building strong engagement with the Parents/Guardians. The voice of the Parents/Guardians is integral to becoming the school that we all want for the children. We are looking at ways to increase this engagement and would love for you to suggest ideas to us. The website will help us all to keep in touch and stay informed.
The LGB is well represented by committed Co-opted, Parent, and Staff Governors. Many have extensive experience, and all are dedicated to continuously improving skills to be an effective governing body.
The Current Chair of the Local Governing Body is: Abdullah Khalid
Mail can be sent directly to:
Abdullah Khalid, Mary Elliot Academy, Leamore Lane, Walsall, WS2 7NR
Alternatively, he can be emailed via:
Abdullah Khalid - Chair
Abdullah brings to the role extensive experience of Senior Leadership, financial stewardship and governance in the private sector. Acting as the Chair is very humbling for me and I wish to contribute to the Local Governing Board by listening to all stakeholders and harnessing the collective strengths of the LGB to support the school and the SLT.
Simon Osborne - Governor
Simon is a co-opted governor, and firmly believe that we deliver the best for our pupils by encouraging excellence in everything that school delivers. Simon has a very limited knowledge of education, having spent his working life in the IT industry. Simon has previously served as a parent governor and chair of governors at a different local school. Following his retirement, Simon has recently joined the governing body with the intention that he can support and serve Mary Elliot Academy.
Vacancy: Parent Governor
Wendy Hurst - Staff Governor
Wendy has been a valued member of staff for over 20 years building positive relationships with student's staff parents and carers. Keeping our students safe and giving them a voice is a passion of Wendy's . Having worked across all departments in school Wendy has gained a broad knowledge and understanding of autism profound and multiple learning disabilities and severe learning disabilities.
Wendy is also a mom to a son who has autism and ADHD we love nothing more than walking with our 2 English bulldogs and splashing in every puddle they can find!
Vacancy: Staff Governor